Online Course “Clinical Neuropelveology”

ISON-LEVEL  1 – E-Learning-Course in “Clinical Neuropelveology”


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To provide a universal access to the world´s best education in clinical neuropelveology.

How It Works

ISNP – International School of Neuropelveology – is an education platform that offer online-courses in Clinical Neuropelveology for anyone to take, for low prizes. We designed our platform based on proven teaching methods verified by top researchers and physicians.

Learn on your own schedule

Watch video lectures at home or at your office.

Achieve your goals

Finish your course with a online examination, and receive formal recognition for your accomplishment with a ISON-Verified Certificate.


Acquisition of an absolute knowledge and understanding of the pelvic neuro-functional anatomy is essential in clinical neuropelveology and take a large place in this course. This module provide extensive lectures focusing on diagnosis of neurogenic and non-neurogenic pelvic nerves conditions and pathologies of the central  nervous system affecting  pelvic nerves and organs functions.


Topographic and functional pelvic neuro-anatomy
Recognition of a neuropelveological conditions
Neuropelveological assessment
Visceral vs somatic pelvic pain
Spinal vs pelvic etiologies
Pelvic truncal mono/polyneuropathies
Lumbosacral radiculopathies
Pelvic dysfunctions in spinal cord injuries / cauda equine / spina bifida

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